Class of 2025
Kate Callas
Qiana Lillard
Kalu Uduma
Class of 2026
Kathy Evans
Valerie Hintzen
Nancy Jennings
Class of 2027
Tim Moran
Kathy Neuman
Dave Tucker
The Rev. Sarah Logemann
Clerk of Session
The session
“The session governs a particular congregation. It is made up of elders elected by the congregation, plus all the installed pastors on the staff, including pastors, co-pastors, and associate pastors. (G-10.0101) The session is responsible for all decisions regarding the program and policies of its congregation, except for the two powers reserved for the congregation: the election of officers, including the pastoral staff, and the buying, selling, and/or mortgaging of church property. The constitution spells out 19 specific duties for the session.” (G-10.0102, G-7.0304)
—Structure and Governance, PC(USA)
Class of 2025
Carmen Abrego
Michelle Marshall
Marilyn Moore
Class of 2026
Bill Evans
Valerie Kimbrough
Cassandra Turner
Class of 2027
Lynne Bieniek
Nina Macri
Suellen Sale
Suellen Sale
The deacons
“The Book of Order calls ordained deacons to a ministry of ‘compassion, witness, and service, sharing in the redeeming love of Jesus Christ for the poor, the hungry, the sick, the lost, the friendless, the oppressed, those burdened by unjust policies or structures, or anyone in distress.’" (G-2.0201)