children at fort street

Children are
Welcome in Worship
The noise of kids being kids is a
welcome sound for the congregation!
Nursery care is available for young children, ages 0-3. All staff and volunteers are background-checked and follow the church’s Child and Youth Protection Policy.
There is a time for children in the service, where the Pastors share an element of the sermon in language kids can understand.
After the time together, children are invited to head downstairs to the Donlin Center for children’s Sunday School. Children also may stay with the grown-ups who brought them to church if they so choose.
Sunday School uses the Young Children and Worship teaching format for Bible stories and, occasionally, a story using Godly Play.
On the second Sunday of the month, children return from downstairs to participate in Communion with the rest of the church. They, then, can stay with their families for the duration of the service.
At Coffee Hour, children’s noise and activity are welcome. It is a Fort Street tradition to have kids play on and around the stage in the Great Hall.